In our software department, applications for the almost always needed processors for the to be developed devices are designed. Because these embedded systems mostly run in a real time environment, high requirements on reliability and speed of the application are set. Therefore, we often rely on assembler programming, which provides the highest level of  utilization of the processor properties. If the speed requirements are not as high, or very complicated applications are to be developed, a software development in C is preferably used.

Software development also always means software testing, because no software runs error-free from the start. Efficient testing possibilities based on the IEEE 1149 standard (JTAG Scan Based Emulation) enable us to find errors quickly and to provide software updates on the completed device without the change of the program memory at any time. Prerequisite is the use of a JTAG compatible processor, for example, the DSPs from Texas Instruments, which we mainly deploy.

Of course, we also develop PC software, but no games or the like. A user interface for controlling or testing the developed devices is often paramount. The data exchange is thereby performed via the RS-232 interface or the USB port. We mainly utilize the Delphi development environment and the C++ Builder from Borland for PC software development.

We also develop other design software, example: graphical calculation program for calculating amount, position and type of the necessary roof elements for complex shaped roofs.


Another example for PC software is a currently ongoing project for developing a complete graphical development environment for micro controllers and processors via simple arrangement of hard- and software modules (largely without the input of source code in a programming language). This integrated development environment will mainly be used for the easy development of software for the RMF22 system (german). You can see an example of a design module for graphics programming of the VGA card of this system below. The application creates a C source code file out of  a graphic, that is defined by simple mouse clicks on a PC (objects can be freely positioned). The file contains all necessary data for the RMF operating system to display this graphic via the RMF 22 graphics card (example of the first development version of our digital receiver RDR54 below).
